
cloudflare workersでroutingの設定をする




Cloudflare Workersをビルド・プレビュー・デプロイするうえで、Wranglerを使うことになる。

yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler
yarn global upgrade @cloudflare/wrangler
wrangler login

Allow Wrangler to open a page in your browser? [y/n] y

✨  Successfully configured. You can find your configuration file at: /Users/you/.wrangler/config/default.toml


wrangler generate cf https://github.com/cloudflare/worker-template-router.git




wrangler dev


wrangler publish

index.jsの中身は以下のようになっている。 ここを書き換えてJsonデータを返すように出来る

import { Router } from 'itty-router'

// Create a new router
const router = Router()

Our index route, a simple hello world.
router.get("/", () => {
  return new Response("Hello, world! This is the root page of your Worker template.")

This route demonstrates path parameters, allowing you to extract fragments from the request

Try visit /example/hello and see the response.
router.get("/example/:text", ({ params }) => {
  // Decode text like "Hello%20world" into "Hello world"
  let input = decodeURIComponent(params.text)

  // Construct a buffer from our input
  let buffer = Buffer.from(input, "utf8")

  // Serialise the buffer into a base64 string
  let base64 = buffer.toString("base64")

  // Return the HTML with the string to the client
  return new Response(`<p>Base64 encoding: <code>${base64}</code></p>`, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "text/html"

This shows a different HTTP method, a POST.

Try send a POST request using curl or another tool.

Try the below curl command to send JSON:

$ curl -X POST <worker> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"abc": "def"}'
router.post("/post", async request => {
  // Create a base object with some fields.
  let fields = {
    "asn": request.cf.asn,
    "colo": request.cf.colo

  // If the POST data is JSON then attach it to our response.
  if (request.headers.get("Content-Type") === "application/json") {
    fields["json"] = await request.json()

  // Serialise the JSON to a string.
  const returnData = JSON.stringify(fields, null, 2);

  return new Response(returnData, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"

This is the last route we define, it will match anything that hasn't hit a route we've defined
above, therefore it's useful as a 404 (and avoids us hitting worker exceptions, so make sure to include it!).

Visit any page that doesn't exist (e.g. /foobar) to see it in action.
router.all("*", () => new Response("404, not found!", { status: 404 }))

This snippet ties our worker to the router we deifned above, all incoming requests
are passed to the router where your routes are called and the response is sent.
addEventListener('fetch', (e) => {